Monday, March 16, 2009


Imagine being able to view thoughts over again. Through Brainwave resonance nodes placed on the forehead, Glauben Glasses record the inner eye's view of whomever puts on the hardware. The lenses can be used to review previously recorded thought records, or separate images may  shine through the lenses, while the pineal gland recorder simultaneously sucks up inner-lobe info. For instance in a murder case, images of crime scenes and evidence would appear in front of the eyes of whoever is being questioned. Since the mind subconsciously stores infinite amounts of tiny information, the court could accurately determine who is guilty and who is not, by linking stored  memories to the evidence. The possibilities can be daunting. If worn at night, dreams may be analyzed in the morning. If someone experiences schizophrenic  visions, Glauben Glasses may affirm and help assess the extent of the mind disorder. However amazing these possibilities for good may be, there will always be those who abuse technology. Stealing others ideas, memory blackmail, even accusing someone of a thought that has not been enacted are just a few of the many ways Glauben Glasses could be misused. 

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